Medical Conference

Hallelujah, the annual ICMDA East Asia Conference is resumed physical gathering in JAPAN this year, and you are invited to join the great event! 2024 ICMDA East Asia Conference 1~4 August, 2024 Okinawa Prefecture Dormitory for Youth, Ishigaki, Okinawa 石垣島, 沖繩 Theme : WHO is the LEAST Important for you in medical profession? Accommodation: School dormitory, large tatami room for bedroom(air conditioned), No single or family room Program include: For details, please see the attached leaflet Fee (including accommodation & meal) (1) Students & young graduates(within 5 years post graduation) for US$80.00 or equivalent ...

Dear brothers and sisters, The 17th ICMDA World Congress takes place in Arusha, Tanzania from 20-25 June 2023. It begins with a World Students' Conference and parallel pre-conference streams for graduates. STUDENT Conference on 20-22 Jun 2023 with Theme《Serving with Endurance, Joy and Faith》 GRADUATE Pre Conference Streams on 20-22 Jun 2023 with topics as Saline Process, Bioethics, Family Medicine, PRIME & Advocacy. MAIN CONGRESS on 22-25 Jun 2023 with Theme《Serving with Love in a Hurting World》 Venue Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC), Arusha, Tanzania For more details of the conference, please visit website of...

Hallelujah, the annual ICMDA East Asia Conference will be host by Mongolian Christian Medical Association (MCMA) in Mongolia this year. 3-4 Aug Pre Conference for medical students 5-7 Aug Main Conference for medical workers/healthcare professionals. Theme of this year " You chosen and appointed to go and bear fruit that will last" John 15:16 This is a family gathering with East Asia's brothers and sisters and you are invited to join either physical or zoom meeting. The program is comprehensive and vivid with the characteristic of medical in East Asia countries. Here attached the poster and leaflet for your reference. Come and join us, and registration is required...

It is a great pleasure to invite our brothers and sisters in medical field to join the ICMDA East Asia Conference which to be held in HONG KONG on 6~8 August, 2021. As a Christian medical profession in the context of today's pandemic, how can we move forward with His mission nowadays? In reply of medical missionary calling, is the pandemic an opportunity or an obstacle to us? For the evolution of the virus, from SARS in the past, COVID 19 today, and even the unpredicted virus tomorrow, what is the warning signal to the standing of front line medical workers? We have invited the familiar doctor speakers to share, not only to look back, reflect on the present, but also look to the...

Although 2020 is a year of miseries to the whole world, we go through the hard time with His faithful protection, peace and love. We also appreciate and thanks the effort of our bro and sis in Taiwan (TCMA) in tackling all difficulties and make the 49th Asia Christian Medical Workers and Students Exchange Program (the 7th ICMDA EA 2020 New Taipei City, Taiwan) as schedule in August 2020. The theme of this year is “ MEDICINE WITH LOVE”. We have invited distinguished speakers and Christian medical leaders of various regions in delivering keynote lecture, medical ethical controversies and parallel sessions hold by various regions and countries. Due to the pandemic and...